Ok, so it has been a little while since I have posted up an in progress kinda thing. So, here goes. I'm actually feeling good about my sweater again. I have had to change into commercial alpaca, because I ran out of yarn. This has kinda perplexed me because I coulda swore that I would get to row 140 before having to change. After all there were 7 balls and each ball did 20 rows. I only got a little over 120, so I am thinking that maybe a ball decided to hide or who knows. If I find it later I am sure that I can find something for it to do. One good thing about it though is with it running out there it won't make the back and the front uneven, since the handspun would have gone into the back and then there would have been the commercial only on the front. The commercial alpaca is super nice though. Although, I could have gone 3 strands and been a little closer, but I don't think that I could have afforded it.

The other major trouble that I had yesterday was that math was against me. I always try to tell myself that once I have a problem down to leave it alone and don't double-check, because it will always make it wrong. All my teachers in elementary school would try and get me to double-check my work, but it always messed me up. So, here I am again. In the beginning I figured out that I needed to part for the sleeves at row 130, but for some reason I ran the numbers again and ended up with row 160. So, I was at row 140 when I decided that maybe I should measure my husband's arm and then that led me back to my pattern, which of course led me right back to the fact that I should have parted for the sleeve at row 130, like I had in the first place. So, since the idea of tearing out all that work horrifies me, I am going to try steeking that itty bitty inch. It can't be that hard right? Kinda like making a button hole. So, that is my plan. You can see in the pic where I need to go down to, marked by the orange marker. My thought is too that tt might help reinforce the armpits, which would be good, since he is always magically putting holes there.

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