Day 4 was filled with interuptions. Well, I started out with all the tadpoling I had to do. I had to fix 3 different cable sections that are the major cable that are in the sweater. Each one took about an hour to fix, which really sucked. Then my mother said that she was going to drop by and so there was the mad dash to make the place look a little more presentable, since Knitting Olympics have kinda slowed us down with organization and such. After mom was finally gone I got to go back to work and back to watching Pride and Predjudice (the BBC/A&E version). I got some work done, but as the day progressed I started having a terrible stomach ache. Now this really worried me because I have Crohn's disease and I have been off all of my meds and things since late November. Luckily, my husband started to have similar symptoms later. We think it was some rice that we ate the other night that we didn't realize was old until we had eaten it. I know that food poisoning isn't exactly something to be happy about, but it is certainly better than going back on my meds. I spent most of the evening resting and finally just went to sleep. I feel better today, but it has put me a bit behind on my sweater. Good thing I put breaks in my schedule to account for such things. I will post up a modified schedule next.
Here is my beautiful sweater:

Here is a close up of the major cable all fixed and as far as I have gotten:

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