Thursday, February 02, 2006

JenLa Post

I'm really happy at the moment. I was reading through JenLa's blog and I was actually mentioned on there. I always have that feeling when I post a comment on somebody else's blog that they don't really read it and that it is going to the air. So, I thought that I would post up a bit on what I posted to her blog since it actually got noticed (yay!). I noticed that the dye that she was using was really expensive. I am always curious about new dyes and different alternatives. It's just nice to see what was out there. Well, I was really amazed at how expensive the dyes were that she was using. They were like $11 for what I usually pay $4.59. I use a dye called One-Shot. It comes in a ton of different colors and is super easy to use. All you have to do to make the dye is add boiling water to rainbow dye or add it to boiling water to immersion dye. You never have to add vinegar or any other chemicals or anything like that. I love this dye. On top of all that it is really colorfast. I usually do a quick rinse, especially with my roving, and then barely get any bleed when I wash it later after it has dried. One-Shot is made by a company called Pro-Chemical, who are the original makers of Procion dyes. If you look back in my archives to my first couple of posts you will see some of the results that I have had with their dyes. So if you are interested in dyeing wool or animal fiber of any kinda make sure to check them out.

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