This is my Tulip Squiggle Bag. This is one of my favorite bags because it is really wild looking and trendy. It is really soft and even though it is that fuzzy on the outside it is pretty clean on the inside. I know because it took me 3 days to pull all those little ends out to the front. It is knit with handspun yarn that you can only see on the inside. I plan on making another one, because the handspun is sooo pretty. It is in watermelon colors and felted really beautifully.

This bag is my Fire Bag. It is also out of my handspun, but this one didn't felt as well. It is soft felt so it still has the appearance of the knit stitch and is stretchy. I really like it because it still has that stretchy capability. My mom likes it because of still being able to see my pretty knit stitches. Mom's are so great for encouragement like that.

Here is a better pic of the novety yarn that I dyed. I think it is so so awesome. I have this incredible urge to name each one after a Sesame Street character. Like the blue would be Cookie Monster, red (which is really bright) would be Elmo, green/purple would be Oscar the Grouch. You can see that I have thought this out a bit. I have a feeling that there is some sort of trademark issue in there, but if I had my way that's what it would be.

This is my latest yarn. It is called Dark Autumn. It is beaded and is made after a skein that I made last fall. The one last fall was much lighter and more fall colors, so I thought that I would call this one Dark Autumn. The last skein that I made of this sold after being down at Knot Another Hat for a whole 20 minutes. I'm hoping for a repeat so we will see.
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