This weekend is one of those weekends that marks the nearness of summer and camping activities. My husband actually got off work early on Friday to help beat the traffic through town! On the way he saw nothing but people headed out to go camping and escape from the city. He pointed out to me that part of the reason that he likes living where we are is that he actually gets to escape from the city everyday and on the weekends he doesn't have to go anywhere to enjoy peace and quiet. I quite agree with him. So we did actually venture up to Lost Lake because we noticed it was open and I kid you not, there was still snow up there and crazy campers out in
tents as well as trailers. I personally think that you have to be a pretty die hard camper to be out at this time of year around here (at least in a tent).

So, instead of camping out this weekend my husband and I put up pretty hummingbird feeders. I know that with as cold as it has been over the past couple of weeks that there isn't a hummingbird within 100 miles of here, but I can hope. They were here when it was warm and kept buzzing our heads. My grandparents used to put out feeders, so I think that they might be expecting it.

The top feeder is one that I picked up at Home Depot and the red one is one that I bought from a local glassblower in Eugene while we still lived down there.

The one traditional Memorial Day thing we did do (besides going to the cemetary to honor the veterans & relatives that have gone) is we broke out the bbq. Now this bbq we received as a wedding gift nearly 4 years ago now. It has sat patiently in its box along with the propane tanks. Finally, my husband thought that we should get it out and see if it actually worked. It really did! We had hamburgers tonight and have some other ideas for future meals.
And what about knitting? Well, I do have a nearly finished object, actually a couple. However, I am going to wait to post about them. I made a very lovely camera case for my husband that was so fast that it actually did not make it up onto my works in progress. I need to update my sidebar, which will be done in the next couple of days.
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