Well, our internet has been going in and out lately, which has been terribly sad. For more details you can check out my
husband's blog with all of the technical details. I think I might spread out my updates so as not to overwhelm myself with all that is going on. I have sockaploooza updates and updates for the shawl knit-a-long as well. They will be coming I promise. Today's update will be my yarn that is down at
Knot Another Hat. Which is selling out at an incredible rate. The last yarn that I posted up is already gone, which is super awesome, but it is keeping me really busy. I have also gotten compliments from two completely different people from two completely different instances saying that my handspun was the best they had ever seen. I am quite proud of this. *happy dance*

This yarn is named Monet's Garden because of all of its pretty blues, greens, and purples. I really loved spinning it and I only wish I had more since it was something that I dyed with my husband. I just love surprises like this one and I loved how it spun all lumpy. I just let it do what it wanted to and I was quite happy with the result.

This is my most expensive yarn so far. I picked up the fiber at
The Abernathy Grange Sale from
Fox Hollow Farm and Fiber that I used to go visit while I still lived in Eugene. It is a mix of Cormo Wool, Mohair, and Angora. It has a pretty halo that is hard to see when not in person. This is also a yarn that wanted to be lumpy, so I let it. I named it Watermelon Patch.
I'm drooling over the "watermelon patch" - you got that from Rolly??? Wow.
You work very hard on your handspun! Unlike some others, so of course it's much nicer :) (I have to admit I was embarassed by some of the handspun I saw at Lint, who made that?)
Yeah, it is a nice combo. It's all that sheep-to-shawl training. Keeps my yarn in shape =)
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