We are going off to spend Easter with my parents and eat a lot of eggs. I think we have at least egg salad and potato salad on the horizon. Blair also wants deviled eggs so we shall see.

Today seems like a good day for odds and ends to post up. This is a picture that Blair took yesterday. All of a sudden it was dark and stormy out and decided to pour down rain on us when neither of us had a hat or umbrella. So, we rushed home and when we got here Blair had spotted a beautiful rainbow, 2 actually if you look closely. I thought it was such an awesome pic that I just had to post it. It looks like it ends right over the port, which I think is funny.
In other news we have just posted up our 2006 Ford Mustang on Ebay. We won it, or more to the point, Blair won it off a pack of post-it tabs. It is totally impractical for what we need right now. Lacking minor things like a back seat and good gas mileage. What we really want is a nice family car. I'm sure that somebody out there will want a really awesome speed demon car for their very own.
I also wanted to share with you this interesting link about a sweater knit for a tree. It was on cute overload today and I thought it totally rocked. I'm surprised that I didn't hear about it before this, because it seems to be quite popular.
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