Thursday, April 28, 2016

Moving On

Life has been busy, busy, busy! To say the least! The shop is finally back open! I'm trying to juggle it all and something has to go and I think it is this blog. I really wish I had more time to write here, but I simply don't. So, here are all the places you can find me instead: 

Ravelry: LavenderSheep
Facebook: Yvonne Ellsworth (Personal and I keep it to people I actually know) and LavenderSheep (all yarn news all the time)
Twitter: @lavendersheep
Pinterest: lavendersheep6

Shop Newsletter: Sign up at on the left hand side bar.
Email: lavendersheep (at) gmail (dot) com

Please feel free to contact me, even if it's just to chat. I realize there are people who only follow my blog, so please stay in touch!


Clipping Path Service said...

Great post. Thanks so much for sharing!

Calvin F said...

I look forward to connecting with you on Ravelry.