I am finally clearing out my looms! Funny how with opening a yarn dyeing business, taking up a lot more knitting, not to mention having a kid, means there is no time to weave any more. To give a little back story, in college my major was Fibers & Business. A great many of my Fibers classes were in weaving, so of course I had to have a loom of my own and more! These looms have followed me since college, and I think it is finally time to make room for other things. I have up them all up on ebay, with most of them having local delivery, I'll explain below. So here goes:

This beautiful loom is a Lillstina, which was made intentionally for rug weaving. It has all string heddles, which are super gentle on fibers of all kinds. I love that it is tough enough to weave a rug but gentle enough to weave a lace placemat as well. It has 8-shafts and is a table loom with legs. It can come apart in pieces for storage and transport. It and a variety of accessories are for sale

Next up is a 4-shaft table loom which belonged to my grandmother. I inherited it when she moved into a retirement home. I can't find a sticker on it anywhere naming what kind of brand or where she got it from, so it is a mystery to me. I do know she wove very nice table runners, scarves, and tapestries on it. It and a variety of accessories are available

This was also my grandmother's and I also inherited it when she moved into her retirement home. I actually never learned to weave on an inkle loom. I remember my grandmother trying to show me, but I think I only made a mess of it. I know there are plenty of resources online for how to use one, so if someone had the time I'm sure it would be easy enough to figure out. It also includes a shuttle and hand beater. It is also the only loom I'm willing to ship, because of its compact size. It is for sale

Lastly this is a handmade tapestry loom. My grandmother was part of a local weaving guild and they did all sorts of interesting projects. One of them was to make their own tapestry looms. I think my grandmother didn't make one because she already had the table loom. One of her friends did make one. Though she passed away 10+ years ago, when I inherited it. I haven't done any weaving on it. The weaving there is the original it came with. It is very sturdy and well made. It comes with a shuttle which makes the shed for the weaving. Pretty cool overall. It is for sale