This last week it was 106F out here! This is just insane! Of course the weather has changed to rainy and around 65F, practically overnight! That's 40F degrees difference! Anyway, to escape the hot weather Blair and I headed to the coast.

We started out by going to the Tillamook Cheese Factory. We had lunch there and the required ice cream cones. It was really good, even though the lines were really long everywhere! We finally got through them all and decided to head north. Please note that the sky is pretty and blue here!

We stopped by the side of the road about 10 miles north to snap a couple of photos. I just think the Oregon Coast is so pretty! I love it! You can start to see the mist/fog rolling inland. We kept heading north and decided we would walk a bit on the beach.

It was really misty out! If you click on the photo you can see the bits of mist accumulating on Blair's hair and eyelashes. It was so cool. We kept giggling at one another and the mist. We couldn't see more than about 20-30 feet. There weren't that many people on the beach either. So we felt like we were all alone in the mist. It was magical! I told Blair that we would keep walking and end up in Avalon on the other side.

We walked around barefoot on the sand, daring one another to walk in the frigid ocean water. It was just a hoot! The tide was either just about all the way in or just going out. We forgot to get a tide time table to find out. We decided we would keep going North on our adventure.

We ended up to Astoria, which wasn't more than 20-30 miles north from the beach we walked on. It was back to being sunny again. Still the weather wasn't more than 75 the whole day. It was the perfect break from all of the heat inland. We think we might need to make another trip sometime this fall in the off-season.
I should have a post about knitting in a couple of days. It has been cloudy and rainy this week, so I am waiting for the sun to take some more photos. I will have a post up about dye parties and such from the dye party I taught last night. Until then, I hope everyone is doing well and staying cool from the heat or dry from the rain!