Well, last night was the very end of the Knitting Olympics. My knitting group had their big get together and it went of rather successfully. We would have met on Monday, but we are the guests of a local cafe that allows us our meetings on Wednesday. It would be a bit much to ask them to stay open late another night of the week just for us. So, we met on our normal night and had a huge show and tell. Sarah said that 22 out of the 24 people that signed up finished. The other 2 she hasn't heard anything from, so she doesn't know. So, here are the pics that turned out from last night:

These are Blair's lovely mittens that he actually finished on time for the Olympics. They are with a number of projects that were finished for the olympics. They are right on top of a lovely cashmere sweater, next to a felted bag out of Nashua, and next to a moebius felted bag. All were really wonderful to see and hear from people what they had done

There is my Blair in his handknit sweater. This is the best pic I have so far of him wearing it, but it fits even down to the sleeves. There is always this panic that I have towards the end of a sweater that it won't really fit and I am only kidding myself.

There is Sarah handing out the awards for everyone that finished. She gave out $10 gift certificates to everyone that finished and made everyone talk about their pieces. Yes, this is the final touch that made me feel like I was back in college. Every term we would have to talk about our pieces. Oh, the nostalgia.

This was somebody who came in a bit late. I wasn't sure if Sarah had gotten any pics of it so I put it up. I just love this bag. It is the laptop bag from knitty.com. She made it from leftover yarn. I think I might need to make one of those sometime.
If you would like more pics of this event or a little more info check out
Knot Another Hat's Blog and see all of Sarah's pics.