It is actually now posted up in my shop for the lovely kristensen. She also picked the purple flower button, which you can see in the last post. I must say that I have a hard time picking buttons. I really just want them all, then I debate and finally make my decision. It is just so much easier for me to let somebody else pick. Anyway, *happy dance* first finished object complete! Now I just need to work on everything else.
I also got another skein of yarn all spun up. I am just so happy to get all this spinning time. It makes me feel very inspired to create at the moment. This yarn is 100% Blue-Faced Leicester Wool, handpainted by me. It is roughly around DK weight. I named it Spring Rain because it has all the beautiful colors of spring with subtle mist of the first spring rain. It will be for sale at Knot Another Hat very soon.
Dye News: Well, as you can see January is almost to a close, so that means that I will be dyeing again very soon. I am actually really excited to be dyeing yarn again, which is the entire purpose of taking a break. So, if you want to start putting in your orders, ideas, preferences, comments, etc... you can email me (address in the sidebar) or leave a comment. This will really help me to know what yarns I need to order before the dyeing begins. I have already started a mental list so just keep it coming.
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