Here is my dad cutting down our tree. I have to mention that because of the colder/snowier weather we have been having that we were limited to a very small area to find our tree. Even that area had a lot of snow. So, this is the first tree that we could find that would meet our needs. Besides we were also on a bit of a time limit because I had a class to teach at 1pm. I can report that there are now 6 new knitters in the world. They just need to learn to bind-off and purl next weekend and they will be set.

Here is our tree finally at home and fully decorated. We didn't want a very big tree because we don't have a very big space to put one. It is rougly the same height as myself. I am especially proud of what I figured out for the top of our tree. My mother gave me her angel, but it was far too big for the scale of the tree. So, I thought that I could probably make some sort of tree topper and looked through my yarn stash.

The Yarn Harlot would be proud for my great execution of yarn as decor. hehehe. I mixed together two of my favorite yarns Fizz Stardust in color #4309 Cream and Fling in color #9494 Roses Print. I just wound them together into a ball and put them on the top of the tree. It really is very pretty and when Christmas/New Years is over I will knit it into a scarf. I think next year I will make a new ball and start a new tradition of scarf tree toppers!
In shop news: I made it into the Lime & Violet's Holiday Gift Guide. If you haven't seen it already it is pretty awesome. Pretty much they made a list of just about every knitting related site out there and all you have to do is print it out, highlight the things that you want, and then make notes as to color, size, etc... It is a very cool list.
Oh, and for some reason Etsy had some difficulty and ate my listing for Blue Raspberry Sock Yarn, so I fixed it and it is up right now.
Hmm.. because of all this goodness I might have to give you your gift early. I was trying to wait until Chanukkah.
Love your tree topper!
Wow I can't believe you have all that snow already...well I can really because I live here in the UK and you live over there.....I love your tree. We won't have one here this year as we are off to Cape Town for Christmas with the grandkids......it will be hotttt!!!
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