I actually have things to post, happy, wonderful, even knitted things to post. Actually I think I have enough content for 3 or 4 posts, so I am triple posting at the moment figuring out where all the photos are best seen and then I will post them up over the next couple of days just so that it isn't quite so overwhelming. I am sure too that there are a lot of you out there that are going to be posting (if you haven't already) and I can't wait to read about everyone's holiday!
I thought I would do today's post on what Santa brought to me:

I decided to break it down into themes. This is my sheep set of stuff. My mom got me sheepy socks, which are traditional. Every year she gets me a set or two of fancy socks, which is awesome because I am such a sock fiend. The most hilarious thing, though, is the picture my mom got me. I'm not sure if you can read it in the picture but the words below Lamb's says: Fancy Soaps for Tender Ladies. I don't know why, but every time I read that it makes me smile. I have to hang it in my bathroom! The last thing there is
Trafficking in Sheep, which I have heard really good things about from other bloggers. Blair got it for me and I can't wait to read it. I'll let you know what I think about it when I am through.

The second set is my dvd set. Pretty much all of them are nice knitting time movies, so I included them. The
Gilmore Girls sets I picked up for myself from
Costco, but put them under the tree from Santa. Apparently Santa isn't so good at taking the price labels off, but oh well. I was really overjoyed to find seasons 1-3 for less than $15 a piece. I can't seem to find them on their website for that price or anywhere else for that matter. I bought them from the Costco in Portland off of Sandy for anyone who is in the area and would like to know. I just love them and I don't have cable so this is a very big deal.
Tales from Avonlea is from my mom, I really love all of the Avonlea movies. I grew up on
Anne of Green Gables and
Anne of Avonlea, they are perfect knitting movies because I can watch them and not have to look up all the time to see what is going on. The last
Serenity I saw in theaters and my husband got for our dvd collection. It is from an awesome series called
Firefly, which I am very sad that it went off the air. I really love the movie, but I was sad that they killed off some of my favorite characters.

My last group is my knitting related things. My mom made me my very own flock of lavender sheep. They have stitch marker embellishments on the front of them, which I am sure I will put to good use. The sock blockers are by
Leggy Creations. I asked for them specifically because they are so awesome. Each pair that she makes are one of a kind works of art. I don't think that my picture even does justice to them. I am going to have to find a special place on the wall to hang them when they are not in use. The last thing is
Traditional Scandinavian Knitting that my husband got for me. It is so awesome. It is mainly in black and white, with a few color pictures. I just went through it from cover to cover and now I have some great ideas. I am sort of in a sweater mood at the moment, so this will come in very handy.
Items not pictured, or at least not pictured yet, include more cooking things from my mom. I also got the most
awesome set of plates from
Sarah that are made by
Mystic Mud Studios here in Hood River. (I happened to find a picture online, so click on the first link to see what my pretty plates look like). It is so hard to find holiday anything with pears that I just fell in love with them when I saw them. I am using them to put pumpkin bread and Christmas cookies on them for tonight's Christmas feast. Speaking of which the other awesome gift I received is from
Destiny. There aren't any pictures of it either. She made me (and she gave one to Sarah too) a gift basket filled with homemade pumpkin bread, cranberry pumpkin muffins and homemade blackberry jam. Needless to say it all disappeared before I could take a picture of it. It was really really awesome though, and made a great breakfast treat.
I must have been a very good girl this year for Santa to have brought me all these nice things. I feel very blessed for having such a great family, awesome friends, and a true soul mate for a spouse. I hope all of you guys out there are having an equally wonderful holiday season!
Hi,I was just thrilled by those lovely things...Sheepsocks and those books..I would have been in heaven..yes
Greetings from Sidsel,Norway
Love Firefly! I was very sad that they killed off Wash in the movie though, very sad. How can we have a reunion is there is no Wash? Your yarn is lovely. I'm on a self imposed stash diet until November but I have bookmarked you and will be back!
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