This is a Garterlac Dishcloth from Criminy Jickets. I actually first found this pattern linked from RedShirt Knitting. I have really wanted to learn how to do Entrelac and I have also wanted to knit new bathmats for my bathroom. I think I am going to use this as inspiration. I have one more sample to knit to test a theory of mine and then I will take the plunge into the bathmat world. Also, my inspiration has been fired up recently because Knot Another Hat is now carrying Peaches & Cream in 30 different colors, which will soon be up on the website. There have been quite a few requests for warshcloth cotton since the Mason Dixon Book has come out, and the yarn has been very popular since it came in this last week. Sarah can even order it in 1 pound cones, which is what I'm thinking of for my lovely set of bathmats (2 to be exact).

Then I actually got one sock done of my Sherbet Set. It makes me really happy to see how bright and cheery this sock is. I just need to go and cast on the second one. It is made out of lana grossa meilenweit cotton fun & stripes color #345.
I actually have received quite a few commissions this week. Three to be exact. One is for thick & Thin Spun yarn, which the supplies for should arrive today.

The second was for this lovely set of dyed yarns from my shop. She just couldn't choose which one so she ordered all three and lives all the way in Belgium.

The third is this brilliant lime green fingering yarn. Which reminds me, I will do solids on commission only. I know how difficult it is to find solids especially when you want to make lace socks or an interesting textured pattern. So any color that is in my shop from my hand-dyed yarn I can do as a solid.
In other knitting news: Sarah's original design is going to be on the front cover of a new book that is coming out this fall. Be sure to check out her blog for more details. Also, Sabrina (the self-proclaimed fiber prodigy) has been knitting with the yarn that she dyed and it is striping on its own! (Technically it is spiraling, but we won't quibble with details). Check out her blog to see her sock in action.
The garterlac looks good -- nice and sunny! For your bathmat, if you want bigger "squares", you can just increase it from 8s to 10s or 12s ... whatever you want. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with :-)
didn't dave come up with an awesome pattern? (just don't try it with lion cotton salt & pepper, at least i'm not excited with how it looks)
your yarns are beautiful ...
i worry about another store carrying cotton online. it's bad enough that i asked my lys to stock some of the new colors. i made a printout from the website of all the colors and which are available in "jumbo size" or not. It has not helped my stash diet at all.
I'm curious to see what you come up with for your bathmat too!
The dishcloth is beautiful! After I've finished all the socks waiting to be knit and my current projects on the needles, I will definitely join the craze!
thanks so much for dyeing up those beautiful skeins so fast :) I can't wait to knit with them! By the way, I am from the Netherlands, Belgium is our neighboring country to the south ;)
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