Thankfully I have plenty to do, so I have kept rather busy. This is the newest addition to the shop. They come in Cream, Black, and Grey. They are made from wool felt in Nepal using Fair Trade. So you know that the wonderful people working on these are paid more than a rice ball for their talents!
I just love them. You just know, though, that if it is wool and cream that I will try to dye it. So, I handpainted Purple Sheep! I might try dyeing some other combinations as the mood strikes me. Each bag has a cotton lining and zipper. There are two different sizes: Mama sheep (7.5" x 6.5" ) and Baby Sheep (4.5" x 3.75"). Both are perfect for carrying around little notions like scissors, stitch markers, darning needles, etc... I also have some project bags (scroll down the page) made up that are perfect for small projects like socks or mitts.
As long as this snow stays around then I should get plenty done on the website. We are going to attempt to go to the grocery store this afternoon to get extra supplies. There is supposed to be another wave of snow coming over the weekend, so we need to be prepared. I hope that everyone is having a great holiday season and getting lots of knitting done!
I am holed up here with my kids. We have about a foot of snow piled up in our backyard. Having grown up in the Sonoran desert, it's hard for me to believe all this snow. Fortunately we live right in town, and our grocery store is just around the corner, so if we need something it's only a walk of about 150 yds to get there. Keep warm and safe, and I'll see you at KAH after the holidays.
Love the sheep!
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