I was actually back to work filling orders yesterday! Though I totally slacked on updating the blog. My wisdom teeth are now gone, but I have some lovely bruises instead. The colors of which are quite pretty, if I try not to think about the fact that they are across one cheek! I have 2 classes tomorrow, so I am hoping that everyone will understand that I just got my wisdom teeth out. At least I have stopped looking so much like a chipmunk! Ok, onto knitting:

I finished the first Provence Mitt! It makes me very very happy. I still haven't decided between which set of mitts I like the best, but I do think that I am going to make the 2nd one of this set first. I'm just so glad that I got it done before class tomorrow. It is also weird looking at it in the photo, because the yarn doesn't stripe like that in real life when they are on my hands. I would have included a photo of it on my hand, but all of my acrobatics to get a good shot turned out really blurry! This pattern is my
Girl Mitts pattern and is knit with my
Superwash Sock yarn in color Provence.

I also got some work done on the Harvey Kimono. I actually have the first front piece done now too. It is turning out to be a really fast knit, which is very good in my mind. It is knit out of Inca Cotton in color Sage. I actually thought I would have more knitting done than this, but apparently pain killers aren't so good for knitting.

In other news: I have listed my
electric ball winder up on ebay. I really wanted it to help my business go a little faster, but it turned out that it didn't work that way. This ball winder is really meant for home use. You know for people not winding up lbs of yarn daily, but for those just winding yarn for sweaters or socks. You know, normal things =). Anyway, check out
my listing, it is a really handy tool for a normal knitter. Not to worry, though, I figured out a couple of other ways to make the process much faster, which works out much better for me!

Oh, and while I was out photographing the ball winder this little guy came scampering up to see what I was up to. I think he was actually annoyed with me for being outside on the deck at all. He likes to come up and eat bird seed from the container for our bird. He has figured out how to lift the lid on the seed container and stuffs himself quite well. I was actually surprised that he sat still long enough for me to get a picture of him!
Glad everything went well with your dental surgery. Did the tooth fairy bring you anything fun? Teri
I love the colors on the gloves!
Yes! We are coming to BSG this year! There will be a bunch of us coming from B'ham. And we will be bringing a couple of fleeces to enter - too much hassle to bring sheep - too far - too hot, etc.
When it gets closer, we'll have to "check in"
:-) T.
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