Ok, knitting content to distract you:
I finished another pair of Destiny Mitts, only these ones are in Di.ve' Teseo Color #32011 Hot pink/red. Unfortunately they sprung off my needles so fast and onto the hands of my friend Amy that I completely forgot to get photos. All that was left was this tiny ball of yarn as proof that they had indeed been on my needles!
I have also been working away on my Provence Mitts! I love them! See the little thumb! I just need to knit a little faster, since my class starts on Sunday and I was hoping to start the 2nd of the pair when the class started. We'll see what I can accomplish while I am healing up! The pattern is my Girl Mitts Pattern and is knit with my LavenderSheep Superwash Fingering Sock yarn in Color Provence.
I have also cast on a new baby project. This one I think I can safely post on my blog, since I am sure that the mother doesn't read it. I just started the Harvey Kimono from Natural Knits for Babies and Moms out of Henry's Attic Organic Cotton in Color Sage. The yarn was a bit heavier than what the pattern called for. In my swatch I was getting 4.5 sts/in rather than the called for 5.5 sts/in. I tried going down a needle size, but the cloth then became too dense and stiff for my liking. I was also getting the correct row gauge. I really wanted the sweater to be a baby size, so I did the next best thing. Every time there is a number for the size I want I take out my handy dandy calculator and divide the number by 5.5 (the sts/inch it is supposed to be) and then multiply by 4.5 (the sts/inch that I am actually getting). Thus I can make the sweater the right size with a different gauge yarn. This has been pretty easy with this pattern to change too since the only numbers I have really had to change have been the cast-on number! So far this yarn has been a dream to knit with, and that is saying something since I am not a huge fan of cotton to begin with!
Lastly, I would like to say that I have finished most of the knitting on the secret project! I have sewn in all of the ends and it is currently blocking. Then I just have steeks, putting it all together, and finishing off the collar and I am done!!! I am slightly scared of the steeks at the moment, but I at least don't have to worry about them until the pieces are all dry and my mouth is feeling better! I am also documenting everything, so after the baby is born I will probably have a post or two about the whole process!
Coming soon: Yarn for a cause!
Take the pain pills, use towels over your pillows (you'll drool just a bit), and rest! We'll see you on the other side. :)
Ouch. Good luck tomorrow - I'll send good thoughts your way.
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