1. That the people I am selling through make enough money to keep them in business. I think it would be sad to see either one of these fine companies go under, though I doubt that I am the only thing keep either one afloat.
2. Not undercutting others in my same field. I want to sell my yarn at a competitive price that doesn't take away from others trying to make a living.
3. I want to be paid adequately for the time and effort it takes to do the work I do.
That being said, the new prices will go into effect starting June 1st. Since I feel like this is a little short notice for my blog, I will keep the prices the same on My Shop until this sunday. The only things that are going to change are the sock yarns, so keep that in mind.
Ok, onto more pleasant things:

This is a brand new colorway. Sarah asked me to paint some of the alpaca lace yarn like Sea Turtle, only in reds. I am so very happy with the results that I am going to make it a regular color. I have named it Smokey Rose.
Though, speaking of yarn colors, I think I am going to redo my yarn gallery in the very near future. So, look out for changes! I will make sure to announce them here when I do.
Oh, and don't forget to enter my blog contest! You have until Sunday to comment.
Good for you! Your yarn is SO worth it!!!
Could I please ask a question? Why do there seem to be so few "guy-type" "manly-man" sock colorways? (Yes, I know it's a cultural stereotype etc. etc., but still.) In my family, I knit for lots of brothers, uncles, brother-in-laws, fathers, grandfathers, etc. etc. Black and gray are getting kind of boring. I'm not asking for colorways called "Logger" or "Hiker" or "Biker" or "Diesel Fuel" or "Way Too Much Testosterone" or anything like that--(er, wait, maybe I am sort of asking about that.)
Selfish me would love to have your prices stay the same. I totally see the need for the change but as long as I can CAMOFLAGE the real cost. I say bring it on...Hehehe. You know everything is on sale works well at my house.
I know that raising rates are hard.. at least you have a tangible product to hand people. Some will go off in a huff (I lost a client that way, and that was good in the long run.) Those who appreciate you and your work will do what they can to support you. You deserve it! I hope that my little purchases with the stores will add up over time and help. I just need to knit faster. I'm running out of storage room.
Smokey Rose is beautiful!
@anonymous... i know it's hard to find "guy" colours. but what will they wear? my husband wears pink better (and more often) than i do but still wants his socks to be grey and other dark colours (which honestly are colours i prefer for my shirts). ::shrugs::
I agree with bobbi. Your yarn is beautiful, and you make an excellent case for raising your prices. Most knitters would rather spend more money on quality yarn like yours than have lots of inexpensive but poor quality stuff.
Thanks for your comment on my rainbow socks - and keep up the good work! Quality is worth paying for!
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