Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Spring Has Sprung

Apparently so has the latest flu/cold bug. So I didn't get all the dyeing done yesterday that I had hoped. Instead I got to lay on the couch and pretty much watch tv all day. I didn't even knit, not one stitch. Blasphemy I know. I just ran a low fever all day of around 99.9 and felt nauseous. I got off a lot luckier than a lot of the other people who have gotten this bug, but it still wasn't fun. So, today I am feeling a bit better and I am hoping to get some dyeing done. I am even taking off work from KAH, to spare all the nice people my sicky germs.

So, here is my proof that there is a little spring around. These are some snowdrops that I found peeking out in the garden. Hopefully I will be able to post again soon with some actual knitting and dyeing news!


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better!

Penny said...

feel better!!

Tammy said...

Feel better soon!! I was supposed to work tomorrow at BMFA, but they are all sick with the flu, it's really bad.

ahousefullofboys said...

Vonnie, I hope I didn't pass the germs from our house to you.... I swear I disinfected everytime I came to the shop.. Feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better. We have SNOW here. Maybe not as you know it, but enough to close the schools.... .and I get a day off!! wonderful.... I just went out and built a snowman!!! (2nd childhood?).. Take care. That bug sounds like the one going around here....

Anonymous said...

I have some just like that in my garden in England....take care.
best wishes