It is an Electric Skein Winder by Fricke. I went on Saturday, which means I didn't get any dyeing done that day, to Woodland Woolworks and they had one. They actually had one assembled and everything sitting there waiting for me. For those curious as to what I did before, I would measure out my yarn using my yarn meter then I would wind and wind and wind on my Niddy Noddy (by ashford). Then I would dye and then I would wind and wind and wind them all again. I must say that with how popular my yarn has been lately that my arm was about to fall off. So, this new skein winder is going to save my arm and it will save lots and lots of time. Now I can use more time to dye and less processing! Yay! As a final note, I may be selling my yarn meter, probably on Ebay, and I will let you guys know when/if I do with a bit of a review about using it (if you are going to buy one and want a review early, just email me or leave a comment). I still am going to use my niddy noddy for my handspun yarn, so it will not be parting from me anytime soon.

Also, new to the scene is this. I just reorganized my "studio." I know I said that I wouldn't dye inside, but with how popular my yarn has been lately I decided something needed to be done. So, I moved my table inside and reorganized my stash. It only needs a new cheap vinyl tablecloth to make it complete (the last one cost $3 and is now full of holes). By the way, this is the closest I will ever come to flashing my stash. This is only part of it. The dresser is filled with yarn, in case you wondered. I still have a couple of bins in the back room that are filled with yarn that I am sure that I will do something with someday, but I don't want to look at it right now. Someday it will probably be purged. You can also see part of my fiber stash in the bin on top of the table. There is also a bin under the table that is overflowing and a huge bowl full of yarn on my coffee table in my living room. I really need to sit down and spin.

In shop news I have two new yarns. This is superwash in dk weight. This is ideal for people who want to knit socks on bigger needles (5-6US). It is also really nice for scarves and hats. Pretty much anything that calls for dk weight superwash wool. It will not felt and is machine washable. Each skein is 4 oz and 280 yards. They will be posted up in my etsy shop very soon.

The second new yarn is a twisted yarn. One of the three plies soaks up more dye than the others, so it gives this kinda tweedy look. It is worsted weight, so slightly heavier than the superwash (needles 7-9). It is handwash only, though I'm not sure if it would actually felt. I'll let you know if I find out. It would be ideal for hats and scarves, or anything that calls for a worsted weight yarn. Each skein is 4 oz and 280 yards. I can dye either of these in any amount, so if someone out there wants sweater quantity, I can do that as well.

Finally I have a picture of the Mine Sock in progress. I had meant to put up a picture of the Debbie Bliss Baby Hoodie blocking, but somehow I managed to take only blurry pictures of it. I only have two seams left to sew up and then I will show it to you all finished and adorable. I do really love these socks, they at least photograph well. I just love how they are so pretty and rainbowy. I just love knitting them. I do have to say that having an electric skein winder may change the repeats in my yarn. This is mainly because my niddy noddy is 64" around and the skein winder is 72" around. We shall see what happens, either way I am very excited about it all.
Always exciting to have new toys!
How cool are you!? I am so excited you can now save your arm and still be productive.
Love having a good reason to buy new MUST HAVE items..
Now THAT is a cool toy. Congrats!
Yay!!! New toys rock!!
(do you know of any plans for make-you-own umbrella swift?)
Do you still like your skein winder? I'm thinking of purcahsing one as I'm fed up with using my swift to wind yarn off cone to dye.
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