I thought that I would share with you a finished object. I have several finished objects coming soon. They all have just a little bit more to do to them and they are done. That and I need to take photos of them. Anyway, this is my prototype bunny made with the yarn that was sent to me by my one skein pal highlyn of Ancient Threads. I really love this white yarn for it's feltability, but have no idea on a brand name or anything like that. So, I am going to knit it again only out of a commercial yarn that is carried at Knot Another Hat. I am thinking either Malabrigo (which is super soft), or Cascade Ecological Wool (comes in lots of natural colors), or the new Teseo (because it is so pretty and colorful). So many choices. Maybe I will try a little of each and see what I decide. I am going to offer the pattern for sale when I am through and I am thinking of coming out with a clothing line for her as well. So we shall see how that goes.

Next up, Anne in the UK sent me this lovely yarn as a donation to the middle school. You can read about more of our donations on Sarah's blog. This was just sent to me personally, so I took the opportunity to photograph it and thank her personally. She doesn't have a blog, so I can't link to it. This is really soft acrylic, so I think that it will work wonderfully for their class.

Actually, the real reason why I want to thank Anne is that she cleaned this lovely yarn out of her stash and sent it to me personally. It is incredible kid mohair from Australia. It is just perfect, because I was on the look out for a pretty yarn to make the Swallowtail Shawl for my grandmother for Christmas. My grandmother never goes near the internet, let alone a computer, so I have no fear about posting all about her Christmas present up here. Thank you so much Anne! It is really super awesome and I love it.

Lastly, this is my latest handspun which I have named Snowflake. It is 100% Suri Alpaca and is super super soft. It will be for sale down at Knot Another Hat soon and will be up on my yarn page soon too.
Coming Soon: More beautiful dyed sock yarn for my Etsy Store and my fabulous finished bathroom in all its glory. Happy Knitting!
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