It is 100% silk boucle. It is an absolute luxury yarn. It is slubby, textured and silky. It takes the dyes a little differently than wool or alpaca, but I was expecting that. Silk is special because it takes a little longer to take up the dye, but when it does it creates something that is truly brilliant. It comes in 4 oz and has 330 yards and would be suitable for a needle size of 3-5US.
I chose this particular yarn because I thought that it had an interesting and unique texture that I haven't seen elsewhere in a silk. I have seen a similar yarn made out of rayon by Fiesta that I have enjoyed knitting with before.
It would be ideal for a lacy scarf. If I end up carrying this yarn I would probably include a pattern for a scarf in garter, knit lengthwise.
I listed up 4 skeins of this yarn in my etsy shop. The 4 that are listed are Chocolate Cherry, Monet, Mountain Sunset, and Smokey Rose. So, let me know what you think! Blog contest details are listed here. Don't forget to check out the Wool Lace, Silk Sport, and Wool/Silk Single.
I would definitely buy this yarn. My general rule of nothing heavier than fingering falls to the wayside because this is a very unique yarn (I have never before seen a silk boucle), an excellent price, and it would knit up quickly and easily into a beautiful scarf for a gift. I love it.
Amy (kewpiedoll)
I love that it's silk, but not a huge fan of boucle. If a lacy scarf lengthwise, maybe suggest a really simple pattern with really large needles. Did I mention I really like that it's silk? and that green/purply yarn is lovely.
ooh! this is so gorgeous. must ask for permission to buy as gift for friend who needs knitted gift (and i don't want to give her the sock yarn that is in the stash.. i want it)
I'm into the silk, but not so much the boucle. I'd probably use it in a very simple scarf.
also - I /think/ it could knit up beautifully as a small shrug or cowl... all the colours..
I'm not into boucle, but this could change my mind - it looks gorgeous. Yum.
teabird / ravelry
A lacy scarf in Smoky Rose would be BEAUTIFUL! I'm not usually a Boucle person usually, but a simple lacy pattern would be lovely.
I am not a fan of boucle yarn but I like that it's silk and some of the colorways, especially monet
I also don't really like boucle, so would likely pass on this. I liked monet and mountain sunset.
Hmmm - I like that's it's silk but not boucle. The muted tones of the colorways are nice, but not enough to get me to buy it. Silk should be ... silky and boucle is anti-silky.
Thumbs down on the boucle. Pretty colors. Now do monet in the merino/silk single and you'd have a winner.
I'm not into boucle yarn. The colors are beautiful but since I'm not really a scarf knitter I think I wouldn't be in the market for this particular yarn. But,I sure like the colors especially the chocolate, but then I drive to Hood River to go to Starbucks! Teri
I'm not generally a fan of boucle (or of knitting with it), so the only way I can see myself buying this yarn is to give to another knitter who does like it. The colours are pretty, though.
The yarns look nice, but i doubt that I would buy one of these... I haven't tried to knit with these kind of yarns, but it seems a bit complicated. Besides, I don't really knit shawls. Beautiful colors, though, especially Smokey Rose and Monet.
I love the Monet and Smokey Rose colorways, but I don't know what I would do with a yarn of this texture!
It's beautiful. I can't imagine what I would knit with silk boucle though. Maybe at a more luxurious point in my life.
I am also not a very big fan of boucle, but not totally opposed. The colors are nice, and I really often decide by feel. It may look great, but if it doesn't feel good, I'm not buying it. Of course, I'm sure that being silk it feels heavenly :-)
Very beautiful! That yarn would be so yummy to knit with and wear! I could not pick a favorite color blend here...loved them all.
I love this yarn! It looks so soft and luxurious. I also love the colors for all four sets of yarn, especially the soft pastels.
I'm not a big fan of boucle either, but I've never fondled a silk boucle. Yours does look unique, but I'd be unlikely to buy it unless I could either touch it in person and fell in love with it, or saw a really nice swatch knit with it. On the other hand, boucle would make a very nice moebius wrap, since it would look the same on both sides.
The yarn is lovely, but I am not a big fan of boucle. I would have to pass on this one. The colors are great though.
Pretty colors but boucle which I don't like
love the silk, love the colors, not too sure what I would dowith it, though.
I'd sure like to try something
I hate boucle, but that's just me. I have to say that the camo in yesterday's post is really grabbing me, and if I hadn't found out yesterday that our family is utterly broke I would be buying it.
I like the colors, but I don't think I'd ever find a use for the silk boucle. I have some other boucle and I'm tired of it being in my stash as it is. The chocolate cherry color is fun. I think mountain sunset is subtle and beautiful and I would definitely use smokey rose if it was on another type of yarn.
Like many others, I am not a fan of a boucle yarn. I would pass it by and get sock yarn or lace yarn instead. Lovely colorways though.
The texture of this yarn looks very interesting. It would make a nice scarf or hat.
the colors are nice, but i'm not a boucle person.
I love the Monet Colorway. Unfortunately I'm not much of a Boucle knitter. Although that fact that it is silk might have me changing my mind.
I'm just not a huge boucle fan. I tend to like a lot of patterns in my knitting, and boucle hides all of that. To each her own though.
Definitely would love to use the Smokey rose for a scarf or maybe a hat with a little knitted rosette.
I enjoy the colors and love the silk, but I have to jump on the anti-boucle bandwagon. I've never really found it enjoyable to knit with, and I really appreciate stitch definition in my work.
I love bucle yarn! I would have a problem deciding between Monet and Smokey rose. I think a scarf o hat or even a vest would be super cozy and soft!!
Once again, not my thing. I wouldn't even know what to knit with it. I prefer the sleek fine yarns you have put up!
I would love to make a wrap formyself with this. I love silk in yarn and in fabrics.
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