It is Fabric Dyer's Dictionary
. What I love about it is it puts together pretty much every combination of color for dyeing fabric. True it is for dyeing cotton and other plant fibers, but I still can see a use for it as a jumping off point for dyeing wool. At the very least it is totally inspirational. I can tell the author put a lot of work into this book. She gives recipes for how much dye to use to dye a quarter of a yard up to a full yard of fabric. Recipes which she has tried out herself! When I was in college taking surface design classes this would have been a life-saver. As it is, I have it now and can't wait to put it to good use!
For those of you using a reader you probably haven't noticed I changed the layout a bit! Just a bit of a spruce up to make things look a little more stream-lined. I now can use a bunch of blogger widgets, which also makes me super happy!
Also remember this is your last weekend to order from the shop before Oregon Flock and Fiber! For local people, I will see you at OFFF!
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